I am delighted to announce my first publication of this project and the result of over ten years of work, exploring the relationship of the outbreak of war to planetary cycles. The research was performed using the Astrod2 library.
Inspired by Cosmos and Psyche (Tarnas, 2006), we consider the frequency of war during planetary alignments. In particular, we test the hypothesis that there is a correlation between ‘hard’ aspects to the planet Mars and the outbreak of war. Using the data of the Correlates of War project (Sarkees & Wayman, 2010) and the Astrod2 library (Stedall & Wilding, 2022) we calculate the number of wars that start in the periods of alignment of each planet (Conjunctions, Oppositions and Squares within 5° orb) between 1816 and 2007. Compared with chance expectation, the frequency for Mars is highly significant (p < .0001; r = .12; N = 894).
The work is published in the journal Correlation, and subscription is available via the Astrological Association of Great Britain.
The suffering represented by the subject matter of this study is unimaginable and ongoing. I hope it goes a little way towards a deeper understanding of reality, and a more peaceful world.
If you would like to discuss this work, please get in touch.