Planets: Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Using the Ad class, the following queries may be performed.
All queries receive:
- A single date or date range, expressed as date and time
- For iteration of date ranges, frequency of year/day/hour/minute
- For iteration of date ranges, stride as interval of frequency
World transit queries
All planetary alignments on date
- Receives alignment and orb conditions as angles
- Returns dictionary of all planetary separations (triangular matrix)
Planetary alignment in range of dates
- Receives two planets and alignment and orb conditions as angles
- Returns generator of time series of planetary separations, and whether they are within orb
All planetary alignments in range of dates
- Receives alignment and orb conditions as angles
- Returns generator of time series of dictionaries of planetary separations (triangular matrices)
Natal transit queries
All planetary to natal alignments on date
- Receives birth date, and alignment and orb conditions as angles
- Returns dictionary of all planetary separations from their natal configuration (square matrix)
Planetary to natal alignment in range of dates
- Receives one planet and one natal planet, birth date, and alignment and orb conditions as angles
- Returns generator of time series of planetary separations from their natal configurations, and whether they are within orb
All planetary to natal alignments in range of dates
- Receives birth date, and alignment and orb conditions as angles
- Returns generator of time series of dictionaries of planetary separations from their natal configurations (square matrices)
Retrograde queries
Planet is retrograde in range of dates
- Receives one planet
- Returns generator of time series of approximate angular velocity, and whether planet is retrograde
Sign queries
All planet signs on date
- Returns dictionary of all planetary signs
Planet is in sign in range of dates
- Receives one planet, one sign and an epoch (tropical by default, equal to date for sidereal, or custom)
- Returns generator of time series of planetary signs, and whether planet is in sign
All planet signs in range of dates
- Returns generator of time series of dictionaries of planetary signs
House queries (planned feature)
All planet houses on date
- Returns dictionary of all planetary houses
Query combinations
Using the ResultSet class, the above may be combined under arbitrary Boolean operations. For example:
- Hard alignment: Planet 1 conjunction OR opposition OR square Planet 2
- Soft alignment: Planet 1 trine OR sextile Planet 2
- T-square: Planet 1 opposition Planet 2 AND Planet 3 square Planet 1
- Grand trine: Planet 1 trine Planet 2 AND Planet 2 trine Planet 3 AND Planet 3 trine Planet 1
- Grand cross: Planet 1 square Planet 2 AND Planet 2 square Planet 3 AND Planet 3 square Planet 4 AND Planet 4 square Planet 1